- Thejesh N. Bandi, Adam J. Hauser, Patrick Kung, "Node-Based Global Navigation Satellite System", US patent, No. 18/366,790. Status: Utility. Published: August 8, 2023. Publication No. US-20240369715-A1
Refereed journal articles
- V. Iyer and T. N. Bandi (2024). "Natural Oscillators for Deep Space Missions: Investigation of NANOGrav 15-year Pulsar Dataset". Submitted.
- A. C. Obaze-Adeleke, B. Semon, and T. N. Bandi (2024). "A Review on the Rubidium Vapor Cell Optical Clock: Long-term Performance
Limitations and Potential Improvements". Submitted. - N. Bhattarai, J. Verma, and T. N. Bandi (2024). "Augmented Parametric Extended Kalman Filter for Enhanced GNSS State Estimation". Submitted.
- T. N. Bandi (2024). "The heart of NavIC - Navigation with Indian Constellation", BEMS Reports. Accepted.
- G. O. Ariunbold, B. Semon, L. Carlson, and T. N. Bandi (2024). "Nonlinear optical microscopic imaging for real-time gaseous chemical sensing", Photonics, 11, 959. doi:
- T. N. Bandi (2023). "A comprehensive overview of atomic clocks and their applications", BEMS (Biology, Engineering, Medicine and Science) Reports, 9 (1). doi:10.5530/bems.9.1.1.
- T. N. Bandi et. al. (2022). “Advanced space rubidium atomic frequency standard for satellite navigation". GPS Solutions, 26, 54, Springer. doi:10.1007/s10291-022-01239-x.
- T. N. Bandi, R. S. Kesarkar, P. Sutar, Md. A. R. Saiyed, D. Attri, A. Soni, and K. Karthik (2022). “A novel method for rubidium bulb bonding and key characterization for future space clocks". IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelctrics, and Frequency Control, 69 (4). doi:/10.1109/TUFFC.2022.3149984
- R. S. Kesarkar, D. Attri, Md. A. R. Saiyed, TVS. Ram, K. S. Parikh, and T. N. Bandi (2022). “Precise calorimetric rubidium mass estimation and its application to the Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standard (RAFS)". Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 24, Springer. doi:/10.1007/s10973-022-11276-w
- P. Jain, P. Priya, TVS. Ram, K. S. Parikh, and T. N. Bandi (2021). “Digital lock-in amplifier for space rubidium atomic clock". Review of Scientific Instruments, 92 (124705).
- J. Kaintura, A. Ghadiya, S. Soni, and T. N. Bandi (2019). “Optics Integrated compact cavity for rubidium atomic frequency standards". Review of Scientific Instruments, 90 (084701).
- M. Gharavipour, C. Affolderbach, S. Kang, T. Bandi, F. Gruet, M. Pellaton, G. Mileti (2016). "High performance vapour-cell frequency standards", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 723, 012006.
- T. N. Bandi, J. Prestage, S. Chung, T. Lee, and N. Yu (2016). “Demonstration of long vacuum integrity lifetime of trapped ion clock package". IPN Progress Report, 42 (204).
- C. Affolderbach, G-X. Du, T. Bandi, A. Horsley, P. Treutlein, and G. Mileti (2015). “Imaging microwave and dc magnetic fields in a vapor-cell Rb atomic clock". IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 64 (12).
- T. Bandi, C. Affolderbach, C. Stefanucci, F. Merli, A. K. Skrivervik, and G. Mileti (2014). “Compact, high- performance CW Double-Resonance rubidium standard with 1.4×10−13 τ−1/2 stability". IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelctrics, and Frequency Control, 61 (11).
- T. Bandi, C. Affolderbach, and G. Mileti (2012). “Laser-pumped wall-coated cell rubidium frequency standard". Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (124906).
- D. Miletic, T. Bandi, C. Affolderbach, and G. Mileti (2012). “ac Stark shift in double resonance and coher- ent population trapping in a wall-coated cell for compact Rb atomic clocks". Physica scripta, T149 (014012).
- C. Stefanucci, T. Bandi, F. Merli, M. Pellaton, C. Affolderbach, G. Mileti, and A. K. Skrivervik (2012). “Compact microwave resonator for high-performance rubidium frequency standards". Review of Scientific Instruments, 83 (104706).
- T. Bandi, C. Affolderbach, C. E. Calosso, and G. Mileti (2011). “High-performance laser-pumped rubidium frequency standard for satellite navigation". Electronics Letters, 47 (12), 698–699.
- T. N. Bandi, V. G. Minogin, and S. N. Chormaic (2008). “Atom microtraps based on near-field Fresnel diffraction". Physical Review A, 78 (013410).
Invited talks and interviews
1. Keynote talk: T. N. Bandi, "Training the Next Generation PNT Engineers and Scientists", Workshop on Synchronization and Timing Systems (WSTS), North America, March 14, 2023. (Presentation Slides Here)
2. Podcast Interview on the Atomic Clocks and Applications: focus on the first successful Indian Space Clock, Zeroing-In, November - December, 2023.
2. Podcast Interview on the Atomic Clocks and Applications: focus on the first successful Indian Space Clock, Zeroing-In, November - December, 2023.
Podcast teaser
Podcast, Part 1
Podcast, Part 2
3. Interview of the research activities in PNTF Lab and ACCEPT program funded by NSF's NRT program, UA, December 2023.
Refereed Conference articles
- J. Verma, A. Connors, N. Bhattarai, C. Rasor and T. N. Bandi (June 2024). "Precise Timescale for Research Advancements", IEEE Xplore, Neuchatel, Switzerland. doi: 10.1109/EFTF61992.2024.10722347.
- A. Hauser, J. Verma, K. Holly, and T. N. Bandi (Feb 2024). "Holistic workforce development in precision time and frequency", Proceedings of the joint Institute of Navigation (ION) - ITM and PTTI conference, Long Beach, California, USA.
- S. Dasgupta, A. Ahmed, M. Rahman, and T. N. Bandi (Jan 2024). "Unveiling the Stealthy Threat: Analyzing Slow Drift GPS Spoofing Attacks for Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Environments and Enabling the Resilience", Transportation Review Board, in Transportation Research Board (TRB) 103rd Annual Meeting 2024.
- D. M. Meyer, A. J. Hauser, P. LeClair, and T. N. Bandi (June 2023). "Development of a Precise Timescale for Research and Training Purposes", Proceedings of the Joint IFCS-EFTF, May 15-19, Toyoma, Japan.
- S. Dasgupta, M. Rahman and T. N. Bandi (Feb 2023). "AI-based GNSS spoofing attack detection for autonomous vehicles using satellite characteristics data", Proceedings of the International Technical Meeting, ION ITM, January 24-26, 2023, p. 514 - 525. doi:/10.33012/2023.18608
- T. N. Bandi (Feb 2023). "Developing a GNSS space-clock: recent experiences of a space-clock designer", Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, ION PTTI 2023, January 23-26, 2023, Long Beach, California, USA. (presentation mode).
- T. N. Bandi, J. Kaintura, A. R. Saiyed, B. Ghosal, P. Jain, R. Sharma, P. Priya, K. Shukla, S. Mandal, N. Reddy, A. Soni, S. Somani, A. Patel, D. Attri, D. Mishra, TVS Ram and K. Parikh (March 2019). "Indian Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standard (iRAFS) Development for Satellite Navigation", URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (APRSC), New Delhi, India.
- C. Affolderbach, T. Bandi, M. Gharavipour, F. Gruet, S. Kang, S. Karlen, M. Pellaton, G. Mileti (Oct. 2015). "High performance and miniature vapor cell frequency standards", 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Germany, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, p.012006. (invited oral presentation)
- C. Affolderbach, G.-X. Du, T. Bandi, A. Horsley, P. Treutlein, and G. Mileti (Apr. 2015). “Imaging the static magnetic field distribution in a vapor cell atomic clock". Proceedings of the 2015 Joint conference of the IEEE IFCS and EFTF. Denver, Colorado, USA.
- A. Ivanov, T. Bandi, G-X. Du, A. Horsley, C. Affolderbach, P. Treutlein, G. Mileti, and A. K. Skrivervik (June 2014). “Experimental and numerical study of the microwave field distribution in a compact magnetron-type microwave cavity". Proceedings of the 28th European Frequency and Time Forum, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
- T. Bandi, C. Affolderbach, C. Stefanucci, F. Merli, A. K. Skrivervik, and G. Mileti (July 2013). “Medium- to Long-Term Frequency Stability of High-Performance CW Double-Resonance Rb Standard". Proceedings of the joint 2013 European Frequency and Time Forum International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFCS). Prague, Czech Republic.
- T. Bandi, M. Pellaton, D. Miletic, C. Affolderbach, F. Gruet, R. Matthey, C. Stefanucci, M. Violetti, F. Merli, J-F. Zürcher, A. K. Skrivervik, and G. Mileti (May 2012). “Double-resonance in alkali vapor cells for high performance and miniature atomic clocks". Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium. Balimore, MD, USA. (invited)
- T. Bandi, C. Affolderbach, C. E. Calosso, C. Stefanucci, F. Merli, A. K. Skrivervik, and G. Milet (Apr. 2012). “Laser-pumped high-performance compact gas-cell Rb standard with < 3x10−13 τ−1/2 stability". Pro- ceedings of the European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), Gothenburg, Sweden. Gothenburg, Sweden.
- F. Gruet, M. Pellaton, C. Affolderbach, T. Bandi, R. Matthey, and G. Mileti (Sept. 2012). “Compact and frequency stabilized laser heads for rubidium atomic clocks". Proceedings of International conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications. CNES and ESA. Ajaccio, Corsica, France.
- T. Bandi, F. Gruet, C. Affolderbach, C. E. Calosso, and G. Mileti (May 2011). “Investigations on improved Rb cell Investigations on improved Rb cell standards". In: Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (FCS), San Francisco. San Francisco, USA.
- F. Gruet, T. Bandi, G. Mileti, B. Kelly, R. Phelan, and J. O’Gorman (May 2011). “Development and spectral characterization of Discrete Mode Laser Diodes (DMLDs) emitting at 780 nm for Rubidium atomic clocks". Proceedings of the European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Munich, Germany.
- D. Miletic, T. Bandi, C. Affolderbach, and G. Mileti (May 2011). “Light shift of double resonance and coherent population trapping in wall-coated cells for compact Rb clocks". Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (FCS), San Francisco. San Francisco, USA.
- C. Affolderbach, T. Bandi, R. Matthey, F. Gruet, M. Pellaton, and G. Mileti (Aug. 2011). “Compact, high-stability Rb atomic clocks for space". Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium -Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, Copenhagen, Denmark. Vol. 2. 1400. Copenhagen, Denmark: ESA special publication.
- T. Bandi, C. Affolderbach, and G. Mileti (Apr. 2010). “Study of Rb 0-0 hyperfine double resonance transition in a wall-coated cell". Proceedings of the European Time and Frequency Forum (EFTF), ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Noordwijk, Netherlands.
- T. Bandi, C. Affolderbach, and G. Mileti (Nov. 2010). “Studies on an improved compact physics package for Rb cell standards". In: Proceedings of the 42nd annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) systems and applications meeting, Reston, Virginia. Virginia, USA.
- S. Micalizio, A. Godone, F. Levi, C. E. Calosso, F. Gruet, M. Pellaton, T. Bandi, C. Affolderbach, and G. Mileti (Apr. 2010). “Pulsed Optically Pumped Rb clock with optical detection: first results". Proceedings of the 24th European Frequency and Time Forum, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Noordwijk, Netherlands.
- C. Affolderbach, R. Matthey, F. Gruet, T. Bandi, and G. Mileti (Apr. 2010). “Realisation of a compact laser-pumped Rubidium frequency standard with < 1E-12 stability at 1 second". Proceedings of the 24th European Frequency and Time Forum, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Noordwijk, Netherlands.
- T. N. Bandi, V. G. Minogin and S. N. Chormaic (May 2008). “Near-Field Atom Microtraps Based on Fresnel Diffraction". Proceedings of the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QPDA4. San Jose, California, USA.
- D. Gleeson, V. G. Minogin, M. Morrissey, K. Deasy, T. Bandi, and S. N. Chormaic (May 2008). “Atomic Fluorescence Emitted into an Optical Nanofiber: Coupling Efficiency and Spectrum". Proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). San Jose, California, USA.
- M. Morrissey, K. Deasy, T. N. Bandi, and S. N. Chormaic (June 2007). “Atomic absorption from the evanescent field of a sub-micron fibre taper". Proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)/IQEC Europe. Munich, Germany.